Saturday, January 15, 2011

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on AeroSvit

My flights to Tel Aviv were on the Ukrainian carrier AeroSvit. The price was certainly right, and they did a nice job with the meals. I was a little disappointed that they weren't serving a Ukrainian beer I like. I was a lot more disappointed in how little legroom their planes have. It was a good thing the flight from Kiev to Tel Aviv was only 3 hours.


  1. You were on AeroSvit?? Those meals are way, way, better than anything I've ever had on AeroSvit, although the flights to Budapest are only 1h10m. Also, did they tell you you couldn't use electronic equipment at any time during the flight? Because that's what they told us, and... it sucked.

  2. Christina -- maybe your flights weren't long enough for better food. The flight from Almaty to Kiev was 5 hours, Kiev to Tel Aviv was 3. Fortunately, they said nothing about electronic equipment, which was good, because on the flight from Tel Aviv to Kiev, there was a large group of rabbinical students who had a very animated discussion. A woman (not a flight attendant) had to tell them to quiet down. I just turned up the iPod.
